Odnes můj žal

Katerina Gordeeva

Take My Grief Away. The book contains twenty-four raw and heartbreaking first-person accounts of harrowing war experiences, collected by Katerina Gordeeva, a prize-winning independent journalist who was named «a foreign agent» by Russian state officials in autumn 2022. Gordeeva interviews people at refugee centers in Russia and Europe after February 24th, when the war in Ukraine began.

Překotná srdce

Alena Wagnerová

Tento obrázek nemá vyplněný atribut alt; název souboru je Prekotna-srdce-3D-scaled.jpg.

Hearts Too Fast. In the new prosaic book by Alena Wagnerová the reader is about to meet a range of real historical characters – the Catholic bishop Antonín Podlaha, the writers Karl Kraus and Rainer Maria Rilke, the painter Max Švabinský or the personalities of Johannes and Sidonie Nádherný. Yet it is not a historical novel.

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