Král Sobol aneb putování Mórice Beňovského

Jean-Christophe Rufin

King Sable’s Trip Around the World. The novel is inspired by the life and the memoirs of the traveler Maurice Benyovszky (1746-1786), who is considered a national hero in Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia.

Benyovszky was born and raised in Verbó, Kingdom of Hungary. In 1769, while fighting for the Polish armies under the Bar Confederation, he was captured by the Russians and exiled to Kamchatka. He subsequently escaped and returned to Europe via Macau and Mauritius, arriving in France. In 1773, Benyovszky reached agreement with the French government to establish a trading post on Madagascar.

Rufin’s novel finds the hero on a visit to Benjamin Franklin, depicting his life and asking for help to create an enlighted state on the island and support the islanders in their fight against the French colonists…

Regular price of the paperback: 388 CZK. Available at our e-shop with 35 % discount for 252 CZK.

E-book available for 258 CZK via this LINK.

Author:Jean-Christophe Rufin
Original title:Le tour du monde du roi Zibeline
Number of pages:280
Year of publication:2023
Issue number:1.
Publication number:25.
Translator:Tomáš Havel

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