Dvanáct Dnů

Příběh maďarského povstání 1956

Victor Sebestyen

To be published: Q3 2024

Twelve Days. The Story of the 1956 Hungarian Uprising. The book is a day-by-day account of the defining moment of the Cold War – the inspiring but brutally crushed Hungarian Uprising. His book incorporates newly released official documents and archive material, family diaries, and eyewitness testimony. We witness the thrilling first days when – armed only with a few rifles, petrol bombs, and desperate courage – the people of Budapest rose up against their Soviet masters and nearly succeeded.

As the world watched in amazement, it looked as though the Hungarians might humble the Soviet empire. But the Soviets were willing to resort to brutal lengths—and the West was prepared to let them. Dramatic, vivid, and authoritative, Twelve Days reminds us of the unquenchable human desire for freedom.

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