Dějiny a doba postfaktická

Eseje, úvahy, glosy

Igor Lukeš

History and the Post-Factual Age. Essays, Reflections and Commentaries. In his texts Igor Lukeš offers two poles of his perspective—history and politics. He examines the Czech history of the 20th century with its catastrophes and myths, and today’s political problems in the Czech Republic, the United States, Russia and in the world context. He assumes that we can draw lessons from history. History may not repeat itself, but with a sufficiently critical and value-based perspective, we can uncover our own mistakes and preconceptions and find parallels between the present and the past that are not obvious at first glance.

Lukeš does not hide the fact that he is an active defender and supporter of Western liberal values such as freethinking, tolerance, respect for truth, respect for others, decency and humanity, and he does not hesitate to call out the actions of those politicians and public officials who openly and brazenly lie, deny facts and thereby create a “post-factual age”.

The book is a selection of the author’s historical essays, political commentaries and reflections on the contemporary world from 2004 to 2021. The texts are divided thematically into several areas in which the author maps the Obama and Trump presidencies, Putin’s Russia, Czech statehood, the Cold War, the secret services and political ideologies. In addition to his insights and critical observations, the author’s style and commitment make for substantial reading and an emotional experience.

Regular price of the printed book 298 CZK, in our E-shop with 35 % discount for 194 CZK.

E-book available for 168 CZK via this LINK.

Author:Igor Lukeš
Original title:Dějiny a doba postfaktická. Eseje, úvahy, glosy
Number of pages:224
Year of publication:2022
Issue number:1.
Publication number:13.
Binding:paperback with flaps

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