Literární reportáže

Alena Wagnerová

Literary Reportage. The writer, editor and oral historian Alena Wagnerová has been involved in the significant genre of literary reportage for more than 50 years. The collection selected by the Maraton publishing house comprises the best of her texts written in 1965–2016, i.e. both texts published in magazines in the Czech Republic, Germany and Switzerland, and those that could not be published in the late-1960s Czechoslovakia due to political reasons.

The early texts trace the mindset and inner life of young Czech intellectuals who founded the resistance movement Předvoj (Avant-garde) in the time of the German occupation.

In the late 1960s the author recorded the unique, emotionally intense eye-witness account of the widows and mothers whose husbands and sons died during the Prague Uprising in May 1945.

Next the author deals with collectivization and its social and cultural impact, e.g. in the story of South Bohemian villages and the so-called rustic baroque

In her later writing Wagnerová confronts the past with the present, touching on Ypres in Belgium, Košice in Slovakia, Ravensbrück in Germany or the Villa Tugenhadt in Brno, the Czech Republic.

Finally, the author reports on the so-called refugee crisis, in general published in the Czech and German-language press simultaneously.

Alena Wagnerová treats the topics in her typical style, with deep empathy for the weak and underprivileged. She neither glosses on the reality or historical crime nor glorifies minorities. In her writings she strives to mediate knowledge, reach understanding and find all that brings together.  

Regular price of the paperback: 348 CZK. Available at our e-shop with 35 % discount for 226 CZK.

E-book available for 178 CZK via this LINK.

Author:Alena Wagnerová
Number of pages:256
Year of publication:2022
Issue number:1.
Publication number:21.

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