Překotná srdce

Alena Wagnerová

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Hearts Too Fast. In the new prosaic book by Alena Wagnerová the reader is about to meet a range of real historical characters – the Catholic bishop Antonín Podlaha, the writers Karl Kraus and Rainer Maria Rilke, the painter Max Švabinský or the personalities of Johannes and Sidonie Nádherný. Yet it is not a historical novel.

By means of fictitious correspondence between Podlaha, Kraus and Johannes Nádherný respectively the author aims to depict the inner life of the protagonists and to provide an insight into their relations and emotional experience. Thus the reader is given a picture of the search of what it means to be close to the other, and above all, of various forms of romantic relationship – be it spiritual affection and closeness, rejected love, or deep feeling between siblings bordering on the incest.

Regular price of the paperback: 228 CZK. Available at our e-shop with 35 % discount for 148 CZK.

E-book available for 128 CZK via this LINK.

Author:Alena Wagnerová
Number of pages:136
Year of publication:2022
Issue number:1.
Publication number:19.

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